User Stories #3: Tanya Zommer

"The alarm is going off. Three snoozes and I'm waking up. I'm going to the mirror: still fat. 30 minutes of gymnastics, double on hips and buttocks." 

Tanya Zommer is a russian artist and photographer. Her Intimate and honest photographs depict the life of her and her husband. We asked her some questions about her work and life.

User Stories #2 - Burlesque

"A Burlesque performer is responsible for their own idea and concept, the music, choreography, costume, makeup - it's almost like doing a musical by yourself."

Verena Gremmer is a photographer, who not only portrayed 49 Burlesque performers for her book 'Burlesque Republic', but also became a Neo Burlesque performer herself. 

Her book 'Burlesque Republic' comes out in march and will be available on her website. In the meantime, she gives us a little personal insight into her work.

User Stories #1 - What is bodysurf?

"Bodysurf means to forget your life issues. Imagine you are with your full body in a tube feeling the speed and the brutal sound of wave blasting."

Bodysurf is surfing without a surfboard: all you need is your own body. The origin of bodysurf is unknown, however it might be possible that people were inspired to imitate wave-riding by animals such as dolphins and seals. We asked the guys at 5thAvenue Surfers to give us a little insight of what they're doing.